bell n. 1.贝尔〔姓氏〕。 2.Alexander Graham Bell 〔1847-1922,生于苏格兰的美国人,电话发明者〕。 n. 1.钟,铃;门铃;〔常 pl. 〕【航海】船钟;雾钟;轮班钟〔41/2、81/2、121/2 时各一击,其后每1/2?时递增一击〕 〔cf. eight bells〕. 2.钟声。 3.(铁管的)承口;扩散管,漏斗; 〔pl.〕 喇叭裤;【建筑】圆屋顶;【动物;动物学】(水母等的)伞膜;【植物;植物学】钟状花冠。 4.〔美俚〕拳赛终了。 electric bells 电铃。 A hand bell 手摇铃。 A door bell 门铃。 Answer the bell 听到铃声去开门。 There's the bell. 有客来了。 Marriage bells 婚钟。 Passing bells 丧钟。 Rise at the bell 鸣钟即起。 A set of bells 一组钟。 (as) sound [clear] as a bell 极健康[清楚]。 Bear [carry away] the bell 1. 站在前头。 2. 获胜,得奖品。 Bell, book and candle 【宗教】驱逐出教的威胁,教会的威权。 By bell and book 凭着钟声和圣经起誓〔中世纪起誓用语〕。 Gain the bell 得胜。 Hang all one's bells on one horse 把所有的财产遗留给独生子。 Hang the bell about the cat's neck. 敢于冒险;敢于在危险中挺身而出。 Lose the bell 战败,败北。 Ring a bell 引起反应,使人想起某事 (That rings a bell. 〔口语〕那使人回想起某事来了)。 Ring the bell 1. 敲钟,摇铃。 2. 〔美俚〕使如愿以偿;使满意[欢迎,成功]。 Ring the bells backward 报警,告急。 Saved by the bell (拳击手)因铃响宣告一个回合结束而免于被击倒;(人)因偶发事件而避开灾难。 That rings a bell. 那是一个提醒。 With bells on 〔口语〕热切希望,很想,很喜爱。 vt. 1.系铃于,给…装上铃。 2.使成铃状。 3.鸣钟[按铃]召(人)。 4.把…放在钟形罩内。 bell the man to come up 鸣钟[按铃]叫人来。 Bell the cat 给猫系铃,想办难事。 n. (交尾期的)雄鹿鸣声。 vi. (雄鹿)鸣,叫。
electric adj. 1.电的;带电的;起电的,导电的,发电的,电动的。 2.令人激动的,紧张的,惊人的。 3.〔美口〕(乐曲的)用电吉他演奏的。 electric eloqu-ence 惊人的口才。 electric performance 惊人的表演。 an electric atmosphere 紧张的气氛。 n. 〔口语〕 1.带电物体。 2.电动车辆。
However , the electric bell rang more lustily than ever 这时电铃响得越发厉害了。
But the electric bell made her tremble again 这时电铃又响了,她打了一个哆嗦。
As she spoke the electric bell sounded 她说话时,电铃响了。
Shipbuilding - watertight electric bells 造船.防水电铃
And groping with one hand , she pressed the knob of an electric bell by her bed s head 随后,她用一只手摸索着,揿了一下床头的电铃。
And she was putting plenty of sugar in her grog when the electric bell made her jump 她往掺水的白兰地里拼命加糖,电铃又响了,她吓了一跳。
But at this moment the electric bell at the outer door was heard to ring with its quick and tremulous vibration 就在这时候,大门上的电铃响了,铃声急促颤抖着。
If air weren ' t admitted into the bell jar , the electric bell in the bell jar would not ring because of a lack of a medium 如果我们不让空气进入铃罩,铃罩中的电铃一定会因缺少介质而不响了。
Usage : used for low startup demand electric appliances and small type fans , such as small type fans , dynamoelectric models , electric bells , ceiling fans , and so on 用途:用于小型电扇及起动要求不高的电器,如小型鼓风机,电动模型,电钟,换气扇等。
Electric bells and speaking tubes afforded communication with the lower stories ; while on the mantel stood an electric clock , precisely like that in mr fogg s bedchamber , both beating the same second at the same instant 壁炉上面有个电挂钟,它跟福克先生卧室里的挂钟对好了钟点。两个钟准确地同时敲响,一秒钟也不差。